I bought a giant film camera.
My first ever 6×7.
From eBay.
Just for Hana’s birthday.
I have to admit the motive is very self-serving.
I wanted to create this tangible memory which I think all parents should do, and she probably couldn’t care less.
But this whole experience, shopping on the internet, accidentally exposing the last couple of frames, then looking for a lab in Fukuoka, which led me to Akasaka and an even more charming shop with a cafe attached, is all thanks to fatherhood.
It made me realise film photography is always about the process*.
When I receive my scans and a handwritten thank you note, it made the experience more memorable.
Just like life.
*After I posted this, I found out Hana has destroyed my cute little thank you note.
So another lesson learnt: all beautiful things are shortlived as a dad if you don’t pick up after yourself.