Last year was a blur.
I’m not going to blame my 16-month-old daughter, but I’ll blame my constant lack of sleep.
So blur, that I’d forgotten to blog about this wedding.
Magda and Michael’s wedding in Yarra Valley was the best wedding I shot in 2017.
Mainly because of the rain.
You know I love rain.
The weather was holding up right until ten minutes before the ceremony.
And then it stopped.
Zonzo gave them the option to move into a warehouse, but they needed half an hour or so.
Magda said ‘ screw it, if it rains, everyone is standing in the rain with me.’
And that’s what happened.
Many brides want to be different.
Not many would take the risk for it.
But not Magda.
Because of that, I managed to capture Yarra Valley like never before.
A wedding memory like never before.